Get hired at data engineering job interviews

Published on October 19

Data engineers are the unsung heroes of the data world. While everyone’s raving about data scientists and their fancy algorithms, data engineers quietly build the systems that make it all possible. But with great power comes great responsibility—and a pretty competitive job market. If you’ve got your eye on a data engineering role, you’ll want to be prepared. This guide covers the most common interview questions and gives you practical advice to help you ace your next interview. No superhero cape required.

1. Technical knowledge: Core data engineering concepts

Interviewers love starting with the basics. They’ll test your knowledge of key concepts like database design, ETL processes, and data storage solutions. These questions aren’t about tripping you up—they just want to know you’ve got a solid foundation.

Sample questions:

• What are the differences between a data warehouse (structured data storage) and a data lake (storage for raw, unstructured data)?

• Can you explain the ETL process and why it’s important in building data pipelines?

• How do you ensure data consistency in a distributed system?

How to prepare:

• Dust off those old database textbooks (or just Google) and brush up on indexing, normalization, and partitioning. You’ll also want to understand SQL vs. NoSQL and know when to use each.

• Get comfortable talking about popular ETL tools like Apache Airflow and AWS Glue—these will definitely come up.

• Be ready to explain how you’ve applied these concepts in real projects, because interviewers like examples as much as you like metaphors in everyday life.

2. Coding challenges

This is where things get a bit more hands-on. Data engineers spend a lot of time writing scripts to process and clean data, so expect to be asked to flex those coding muscles. And yes, you might even break a sweat.

Sample questions:

• Write a Python function that reads data from a CSV file and aggregates it by a specific field.

• How would you optimize a query to handle a large dataset more efficiently?

• Create a script to remove duplicate entries from a dataset without messing up the original order.

How to prepare:

• Hit up coding platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank to practice challenges, especially those related to data manipulation.

• Focus on Python (because let’s face it, you’ll probably need it), and get cozy with libraries like Pandas for data wrangling and SQLAlchemy for database management.

• If you haven’t dealt with large datasets in a while, grab one, throw it into Spark, and see what breaks. Fix it. Repeat.

3. Data pipeline and workflow design

Data pipelines are your bread and butter, so be ready to talk about how you build and maintain them. It’s not enough to say you can build one—they’ll want to know you can keep it running like a well-oiled machine.

Sample questions:

• How would you design a pipeline for real-time data streaming from multiple sources?

• What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced building a data pipeline, and how did you solve it?

• What’s the difference between batch processing and stream processing, and which would you choose for a particular use case?

How to prepare:

• Brush up on tools like Apache Kafka and AWS Lambda for real-time processing. Don’t just read about them—if you’ve used them in a project, be ready to explain how and why.

• Bring examples of pipelines you’ve built or improved. Interviewers love war stories, especially ones with happy endings.

• Know when to use batch processing versus stream processing—basically, if your data isn’t arriving in real time, batch it. If it is, stream it (and then brag about how efficiently it runs).

4. System design and scalability

Ah, system design—the place where dreams of simplicity meet the harsh reality of scaling. Your interviewers will want to see if you can handle data at scale without everything falling apart (including you).

Sample questions:

• How would you design a distributed data storage system that balances high availability

• What steps would you take to ensure a data system can scale to handle growing volumes of data?

• Can you explain the CAP theorem (Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) and how it applies to distributed systems like Apache Cassandra or AWS DynamoDB?

How to prepare:

• Revisit the CAP theorem, because it’s pretty much guaranteed to come up. Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance—understand how it applies to distributed systems.

• Practice sketching out system designs. You’ll probably need to draw on a whiteboard (or virtual equivalent), so don’t get caught fumbling your way through it.

• Have a plan for explaining how you’ve dealt with scaling issues in past roles. Bonus points if you’ve managed to keep things up and running during a traffic surge or other nightmare scenario.

5. Behavioral and problem-solving questions

Now comes the part of the interview where they test if you’re cool under pressure (because at some point, you will be under pressure). These questions focus on how you solve problems and work with teams. Think of them as a way to show you’re not just a great coder—you’re also great to work with.

Sample questions:

• Tell me about a time when a data pipeline broke. How did you troubleshoot it, and what was the outcome?

• How do you balance working on a tight deadline with ensuring data quality?

• Give an example of a time you worked with stakeholders to understand their data needs. How did you approach it?

How to prepare:

• Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for these questions. It helps keep your answers organized, and interviewers love organized answers (just like they love organized data).

• Highlight projects where you’ve solved tough problems—bonus points if you can work in how you dealt with difficult timelines or tricky stakeholder demands.

• Stay calm, stay confident, and remember that you’ve probably dealt with tougher situations than what they’re asking you about.

6. Big data tools and frameworks

Let’s be honest—big data is where things get fun (and sometimes a little chaotic). They’ll want to know how well you can handle big data frameworks like Hadoop and Spark, and whether you can keep things under control when dealing with huge datasets.

Sample questions:

• How does Spark handle data partitioning, and how would you optimize it?

• What’s the main advantage of using Hadoop for big data processing?

• How do you ensure data security when working with cloud-based platforms like AWS or Google Cloud?

How to prepare:

• Dive deep into Hadoop and Spark. Know the ins and outs of HDFS, YARN, and Hive (and don’t be afraid to name-drop them in the interview).

• Cloud platforms are becoming the norm, so make sure you’re comfortable with AWS Redshift, Google BigQuery, and the security features that keep all that data safe.

• If you have experience using any of these tools, be ready to give specific examples of what you’ve done and how you optimized performance.

Final tips for success

Tailor your answers to the specific role you’re applying for—there’s no one-size-fits-all here. Mention the tools and technologies listed in the job description, and don’t just say you’ve used them—say how you used them and what you learned. Show off your problem-solving skills, but don’t be afraid to show a little personality too. And remember, data engineering is always evolving, so make it clear that you’re keeping up with the latest trends, even if they haven’t quite hit the mainstream yet.

With a little preparation (okay, maybe more than a little), you’ll be ready to walk into that interview confident, knowledgeable, and ready to impress. Just remember, no one expects you to be perfect—they’re looking for someone who can solve problems, adapt, and grow. So take a deep breath, trust your skills, and get ready to nail it.

Good luck, and happy interviewing!